One Life. Align. Redefine. Make it Count.

Get started today…On your best year ever!

This uniquely tailored coaching opportunity is designed to help you prepare for your best year, yet, by guiding you through a process to dream big, prioritize what's important, create actionable plans, and take decisive action to achieve your goals! Imagine YOU - living out a life that aligns with your deepest desires! October & November are excellent times to begin preparing for a new year! This Coaching Opportunity includes: A Discovery Call and 12 coaching sessions, to be scheduled twice, monthly, to begin with, and then strategically scheduled to achieve maximum momentum and outcomes!

Coaching Services

  • Most of us have been conditioned to look like, act like, be like others…to the point that it’s often difficult for the “true us” to show up. It’s worth the work to uncover and discover ourselves - in the truest form - because everything flows from Identity. Don’t settle for the imposter version when the real you is waiting!

  • Relationship Coaching is proactive and forward aimed…looking to create greater awareness, clarity and connection as couples move forward…TOGETHER!  It’s not crises driven…rather, it’s goal driven…meant to create movement, momentum and outcomes!  It’s time to get past the things that are getting in the way and keeping you stuck…and go after those things you’ve dreamed of!

  • This life coaching incorporates components of inner healing, aiming towards recognizing lies, replacing those with truths and moving forward! This is beneficial for those who have gone through therapy and received healing for the past and are ready to move towards the future!

  • This is a place to work out spiritual ideas and integrate them with practical living. Client will bring faith-based questions and wonders to the each call and coach will bring questions around these ideas to bring greater clarity, awareness and growth options to allowing these themes show up in everyday living.

  • This coaching utilizes both Strengthfinders and the Enneagram to recognize the components that make you who you are. It’s from there that the client can gain more clarity about their “Be” so they move more confidently into their “Do” in life.

  • Life is busy and it’s easy to get caught up in all the demands and routines. Cue…STRESS! The external becomes the driver and we feel like a mere actor in the play that is our life. There’s another way! This coaching allows us the client to slow down and really determine what matters. The coach walks alongside of the client to align, refine and practically life out those things that are most meaningful.

Book a Discovery Call and see if coaching is right for you.